Sailor Moon MIDI Room

It's 1992. Sailor Moon receives its anime adaptation. Computers are getting cheaper. And, a new open-source music format is spreading: MIDIs.
In a new paradigm of digital self-expression, people create and share music online with these compact files. Niche interests now connecting people worldwide, Sailor Moon fans come together across the globe to create MIDIs with incredible labour and love.
It's no longer 1992. Self-made webspaces have been replaced with corporate "profiles" that manipulate and capitalize on self-expression.
MIDIs live on in the music production world. But now that their use is niche, many lovingly-made tracks from the 90s and 2000s have been completely lost to time.
For those that remain, please help me preserve them, by downloading, enjoying, or maybe sharing. They're art, and they're a valuable remnant of a different time. I have also have a bounty list, and if you can provide any of these MIDIs, I'd be deeply indebted to you!
* = i know this exists, but don't have it
- = i am still sorting files for this section
Track | MIDI Artist | Link(s) | Date |
Ai no Kotoba wa Moon Prism Power Make Up! | ??? | [x] | |
Ai no Kotoba wa Moon Prism Power Make Up! | Rini | [x] | |
Ai no Senshi | Rini | [x] [x] | |
Ai no Senshi | ??? | [x] [x] | |
Ai no Senshi | Frank Lin & Mr Jonathan | [x] | |
Ai no Senshi | Goemon | [x] | |
Ai no Senshi | Frank Lin | [x] | |
Ai wa Energy | Rini | [x] | |
Amazon Quartet Theme | Rini | [x] | |
Anata no Sei Ja Nai | Rini | [x] | |
Chibiusa no Omoi | Sailor Vesta | [x] | |
Chibiusa no Omoi - Heaven Version/td> | Sailor Vesta | [x] | |
Chibiusa - Piano Fantasia | Rini | [x] | |
Circus dan no warudakumi | ??? | [x] [x] | |
Circus dan no warudakumi - Piano Fantasia | Rini | [x] | |
S - デスバスターズの野望(1) - The Deathbusters' Ambition | Ramuro | [x] | 1994 |
Eien no Melody | ??? | [x] [x] [x] [x] | |
Eien no Melody | Rini | [x] | |
Eternal Sailor Moon Appears (Don't Fear) | ??? | [x] | |
Fire Soul Love | Rini | [x] | |
Fire Soul Love - Minus Melody | ??? | [x] | |
Fire Soul Love | Bomi Lee | [x] | |
Heart Moving | Benny Fuentes & Bomi Lee | [x] | |
Heart Moving - Tango Version | Benny Fuentes | [x] | |
Heart Moving | Rini | [x] | |
Hottokenai yo | Goemon | [x] | |
I am Sailor Moon | Rini | [x] | |
Kaze mo, sora mo, kitto... | Rini | [x] | |
Kaze mo, sora mo, kitto... | ??? | [x] [x] [x] | |
Kaze ni naritai | ??? | [x] | |
Koibito ni wa narenai kedo... | Rini | [x] | |
La Soldier | ??? | [x] [x] | |
Locket theme | ??? | - | |
Luna | Rini | [x] | |
Makenai! - Sailor Stars Opening | Rini | [x] | |
Makenai! - Sailor Stars Opening | ??? | [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] | |
Moon Revenge | Rini | [x] | |
Moon Revenge | ??? | [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] | |
Moon Revenge | Anon #2 | [x] | 2007+ |
Moon Tiara Action | Rini | [x] | |
Moonlight Densetsu | Rini | [x] [x] | |
Moonlight Densetsu | ??? | [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] | |
Moonlight Densetsu - Piano Fantasia | Rini | [x] | |
Moonlight Densetsu - Remix | ??? | [x] | |
Moonlight Destiny | Rini | [x] | |
Moonlight Destiny | ??? | [x] [x] | |
Morning Moon de Aimasho | Rini | [x] | |
Motto suteki na asa ga kuru no | Frank Lin | [x] [x] | 1997 |
My Blue Heart | Rini | [x] | |
My Blue Heart - Piano Fantasia | Rini | [x] | |
Hoshizora wa Mysterious | Ramuro* | [x] | |
Onaji namida wo wakeatte | Anon #2 | [x] [x] | 2007+ |
Onaji namida wo wakeatte | Rini | [x] | |
Otome no Policy | Rini | [x] | |
Otome no Policy | MAz | [x] [x] | |
[Broken] Otome no Policy | MAz | [x] | |
Otome no Policy | kiyochan | [x] | |
Otome no Policy | Krasnoyarov Stanislav Yevgen'evich | [x] | 1998 |
Track | MIDI Artist | Link(s) | Date |
Otome no policy - Piano Fantasia | Rini | [x] | |
Nagareboshi e | Three Starlights IFClub | [x] | |
Overture ~ Moon Heart Sequence | Rini | [x] | |
Overture ~ Moon Heart Sequence - Short Version | Rini & ??? | [x] | |
Sora kakeru pegasus - Piano Fantasia | Rini | [x] | |
Princess Kakyuu's Theme | Bomi Lee | [x] | |
Princess Moon | Rini | [x] | |
Princess Moon - CD Version | Rini | [x] | |
Rashiku Ikimasho | Rini | [x] | |
Medleys and miscellea | ??? | - | |
Route Venus | Rini | [x] | |
Route Venus - Shonan Version - 湘南バージョン | Abel Takanaka | [x] | |
Route Venus | Bomi Lee | [x] [x] [x] | |
Route Venus - Regular CD Version | Tsu Ryu ryuhokoru@mailcity.com Drums by Hiyuki Dorase Kyu_Runshinshin@yahoo.com | [x] | |
Route Venus - Arranged Version | Tsu Ryu ryuhokoru@mailcity.com Drums/Partial arrange Hiyuki Dorase Kyu_Runshinshin@yahoo.com | [x] | |
Saturn's Theme | ??? | [x] [x] | |
Saturn Transformation Theme | Ryutaro Hino | [x] | 1997 |
Sailor Senshi Fantastic Action | Rini | * | |
Sailor Senshi Fantastic Action - Piano Fantasia | Rini | [x] | |
Sailor Senshi no Shuuketsu - BGM #E20 | Rini | [x] | |
Sailor Stars Intermission Theme | Tsu Ryu = | [x] | |
Sailor Team no Theme | Rini | [x] | |
Sailor Team no Theme | Bomi Lee | [x] | |
Sailor Team no Theme Remix - Sailor Moon in Paris | Anderson Sumitomo Otuka | [x] | 1997 |
Seiya no Omoi - (BGM #M641) | Rini | [x] | |
Seiya no Omoi - (BGM #M641) - Piano Version | Rini | [x] | |
Setsunakute ii | Rini | [x] | |
Someday, somebody... | Rini | [x] | |
Someday, somebody... | ??? | [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] | |
Starlight ni kisushite | Rini | [x] | |
Sailor Starlights Transform | ??? | [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] | |
Suki to itte | Rini | [x] | |
Sanji no youse | Jackson Ng/garasu | [x] | |
Tsuki ni kawatte... oshiokyo! | Goemon | [x] | |
Tuxedo Kamen - Piano Fantasia | Rini | [x] | |
Tuxedo Kamen Toujo ~ R Movie (BGM-M212) | Rini | [x] | |
Tuxedo Knight | Goemon | [x] | |
Tuxedo Mirage | ??? | [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] | |
Tuxedo Mirage | Rini | [x] | |
Unmei wa utsukushiku... | ??? Anon #1 | [x] | |
Unmei wa utsukushiku... | Bomi Lee | [x] | |
Uranus Neptune Pluto no Action... | ??? | [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] | |
Uranus Neptune Pluto no Action - Piano Fantasia | Rini | [x] | |
Usagi-chan ga yattekita | Rini | [x] | |
Usagi-chan ga yattekita - Piano Fantasia | Rini | [x] | |
Wasureru tame ni koi wo shinaide | Rini | [x] | |
Watashi no hito gingahen | Rini | [x] | |
Watashi-tachi ni naritakute | Rini | [x] | |
Watashi-tachi ni naritakute | ??? | [x] [x] [x] [x] | |
Yuugure wa yoma no yokan #4 (BGM #E19) | Rini | [x] | |
Youma songs (?) | Anderson Sumitomo Otuka | [x] [x] | 1997 |
You're just my love | Goemon | * | |
Yume wo iijimenaide | kiyochan | [x] | |
Yume wo iijimenaide | Rini | [x] | |
Yumemiru dake ja dame | Rini | [x] | |
Yumemiru dake ja dame | Goemon | [x] | |
Yumemiru odango-atama | Rini | [x] [x] | |
Western tracks | Rini | - | |
Western tracks | ??? | - |
Track | MIDI Artist | Link(s) |
Track | MIDI Artist | Link(s) |
i am currently going through these midis to check for the authors.
some of these tracks may be mislabelled.
i am still adding tracks, because i can't figure out what some tracks i have are?
i am adding expanded names from the OST where possible.
although some tracks may be duplicates, they will usually have a slight difference, because exactly identical files have been deleted.
if u have a new file, or there's something wrong, pls contact me.
On my search for MIDIs, I collected a list of MIDIs I hoped to find. They were usually MIDIs on somebody's website, that the hotlinks have been broken to, and I've found no alternative.
Here is a list of MIDIs that I know exist, but I can't find any trace of. There is the chance many of these MIDIs are lost forever, for instance, I know Ramuro has stated that their copies of the MIDIs are completely lost. If you do find one, and link it here, I will mark off the bounty and put your name there. Maybe, if someday I open donations here, I might be able to open a bounty fund.
Filenames refer to the filenames found hotlinked on the creator's website if possible. They could be different. Any file that is the same song is worth checking.
Track | MIDI Artist | Filename | Year | Source | Comment |
Sailor Moon - ムーンプリズムパワーメイクアップ!(4)- Moon Prism Power: Make Up! (4) | Ramuro / らむ郎 | PRIZM4.mid | 1993 | X | |
Sailor Moon - ムーンプリズムパワーメイクアップ!(5)- Moon Prism Power: Make Up! (5) | Ramuro / らむ郎 | PRIZM5.mid | 1993 | X | |
Sailor Moon - ムーンプリズムパワーメイクアップ!(6)- Moon Prism Power: Make Up! (6) | Ramuro / らむ郎 | PRIZM6.mid | 1993 | X | There is no MIDI link for this one, so the name is an estimate. |
Sailor Moon - ムーンプリズムパワーメイクアップ!(9)- Moon Prism Power: Make Up! (9) | Ramuro / らむ郎 | PRIZM9.mid | 1993 | X | There is no MIDI link for this one, so the name is an estimate. |
Sailor Moon - ムーン・ティアラ・アクション!(ムーンプリズムパワーメイクアップ!(10))- Moon Tiara Action (Moon Prism Power: Make Up! (10)) | Ramuro / らむ郎 | PRIZM10.mid | 1993 | X | There's no link to the MIDI for this one. It's likely it might be called something related to TIARA, or simply PRIZM10.mid. |
Sailor Moon S - アイキャッチ - Eyecatch | Ramuro / らむ郎 et al. | SMSEYE.mid | 1994 | X | Made by former SMP members from Nifty. |
Sailor Moon - 恋する乙女心(1) | Ramuro / らむ郎 | KOISURU1.mid | 1993 | X | Last seen: 2004 |
Sailor Moon - 恋する乙女心(2) | Ramuro / らむ郎 | KOISURU2.mid | 1993 | X | Last seen: 2005 |
Sailor Moon - 恋する乙女心(7) | Ramuro / らむ郎 | KOISURU7.mid | 1993 | X | Last seen: 2008 |
Super S - 怪人たちのサーカス団(1) | Ramuro / らむ郎 | CIRCUS1.mid, PHANTOM_CIRCUS1.mid | 1996 | [x] | |
セーラー戦士の優雅な放課後 (2) | Ramuro / らむ郎 | HOKAGO2.mid | 1996 | [x] | 06-1996 |
Sailor Moon R - 魔界樹(1) | Ramuro / らむ郎 | MAKAIJU1.mid | 1993 | [x] | |
Sailor Moon R - 魔界樹(1) | Ramuro / らむ郎 | AIL1.mid, or MAKAIJU3.mid | 1993 | [x] | No MIDI link so the name is a guess. May only exist as MP3. |
Sailor Moon R - エイルのアヤシイ笛2 - Ail's Mysterious Flute | Ramuro / らむ郎 | AIL2.mid | 1993 | [x] | No MIDI link so the name is a guess. May only exist as MP3. |
Sailor Moon S - 恋する乙女はとまらない!(2)- Girls in love won't stop! | Ramuro / らむ郎 | NONSTOP2.mid | 1994 | [x] | This is Haruka & Michiru's appearance theme. |
Sailor Moon - あたしだって普通の女の子(1) | Ramuro / らむ郎 | ATASHI.mid | 1993 | [x] | |
Sailor Moon - おっちょこちょいは生まれつき | Ramuro / らむ郎 | OCCHOKO1.mid | 1993 | [x] | |
Sailor Moon - おっちょこちょいは生まれつき | Ramuro / らむ郎 | OCCHOKO3.mid | 1993 | [x] | |
Sailor Moon R - 悲しみを勇気に変えて(1) - Turning sadness into courage (1) | Ramuro / らむ郎 | KANASIM1.mid | 1993 | [x] | |
Sailor Moon R - 悲しみを勇気に変えて(2)- Turning sadness into courage (2) | Ramuro / らむ郎 | KANASIM2.mid | 1993 | [x] | |
Sailor Moon - 星空はミステリアス(4) | Ramuro / らむ郎 & MAz | MYSTERY4.mid | 1994 | [x] | Collaboration with MAz for the piano solo. (@nifty:ID:JAE02414)|
Sailor Moon - 星空はミステリアス(5) | Ramuro / らむ郎 | MYSTERY5.mid | 1995 | [x] | |
Sailor Moon - 夕暮れ時は妖魔の予感(1) | Ramuro / らむ郎 | YUGURE1.mid | 1993 | [x] | |
Sailor Moon - 夕暮れ時は妖魔の予感(3) | Ramuro / らむ郎 | YUGURE3.mid | 1993 | [x] | |
Sailor Moon - 夕暮れ時は妖魔の予感(3) | Ramuro / らむ郎 | YUGURE3.mid | 1993 | [x] | |
Sailor Moon - 夕暮れ時は妖魔の予感(5) | Ramuro / らむ郎 | YUGURE5.mid | 2007 | [x] | This one may only exist as an MP3 called YUGURE_YOMA5.mp3, I can't find any evidence of a MIDI release for it. |
Sailor Moon - ムーンプリズムパワーメイクアップ!(2002年リメイク)- Moon Prism Power, Make Up! (2002 Remake) | Ramuro / らむ郎 | MAKEUP2002.mid | 2002 | X | This is a 2002 remake of Ramuro's first ever-released piece, remade with the Memorial Box in mind rather than the original OST. |
Sailor Moon R - 追跡は冒険の始まり(2) | Ramuro / らむ郎 | TUISEKI2.mid | 1993 | [x] | |
Sailor Moon R - 追跡は冒険の始まり(3) | Ramuro / らむ郎 | TUISEKI3.mid | 1993 | [x] | |
Sailor Moon S - 天王はるかと海王みちる(1)- Tenou Haruka & Kaiou Michiru | Ramuro / らむ郎 | HARUKA1.mid | 1994 | [x] | |
Sailor Moon S - 天王はるかと海王みちる(2)- Tenou Haruka & Kaiou Michiru | Ramuro / らむ郎 | HARUKA2.mid | 1994 | [x] | This second MIDI is an unaccompanied solo. |
Super S - 「パソコン通信から流れていた音楽」- "Music played from the computer network" | Ramuro / らむ郎 | COM_COM.mid, TSUSHIN.mid | 1995 | [x] | The music that "numbs" Ami. (?) |
セーラースターライツ | Ramuro / らむ郎 | STARLIGH.mid, SAILORSTARLIGHTS.mid | 1997 | [x] | I may already have this one. |
Sailor Moon - 本当に選ばれた戦士なの?(2) | Ramuro / らむ郎 | HONTO2.mid | 1993 | [x] | |
Sailor Moon S - 戦士の宿命(2)- Soldier's Fate | Ramuro / らむ郎 | SHUKMEI2.mid | 1994 | [x] | Theme of Michiru's death. |
Sailor Moon S - ぴんく・しゅがぁっ・はぁと・あたっくう~ - Pink Sugar Heart Attack! | Ramuro / らむ郎 | PINK.mid | 1994 | [x] | |
Sailor Moon - 誰かが狙われている(3) | Ramuro / らむ郎 | DAREKAG3.mid | 1993 | [x] | |
German Sailor Moon Opening / ドイツ版主題歌 | Ramuro / らむ郎 | GERMANSM.mid | 1998 | [x] |